Elena Moreno

Elena Moreno (Madrid, 1984). With a diploma in the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Assets, Archaeology (2004-2008), she has worked in various museums and research centres in the field of archaeology and palaeontology. She currently works at the IPHES, “Institut Catalá de Paleoecologia i Evolució Social”, the Catalan Institute for Palaeoecology and Social Evolution, in Tarragona. In 2012 she started studies in Ceramic and Higher Studies in Artistic Jewellery (2014-2017) at the Art and Design School. After completing her studies she continued to work and train in the field of contemporary jewellery. In her pieces one can observe that she is evolving towards sculpture.
“Sin digerir” (Undigested) is a collection that unites my two professions: restoration and jewellery, confronted by criteria and rules. I break down these walls by creating jewels that result from experimenting with the material as the connecting link. Jewels conceived for giving a new life to the waste material of a living being, bones from bird pellets. Structures are created from them that form nests where those same living beings that cause this waste are born. Several circles are thus closed: trophic chain, life and use. They speak of reusing, recycling, life and death. They question material value and seek a reaction, a desire at first sight and repulsion when their origin is known.